Mosquito-Borne Diseases

arm getting sprayed with mosquito spray

Mosquito-borne diseases are quickly becoming a more common part of our daily lives. Preventing and protecting ourselves against them is an important part of maintaining a healthy community. Listed below are a few tips to keep yourself healthy.

What You Can Do?

In light of regulatory pressures to limit mosquito spraying for disease prevention only, the reduction of mosquito breeding opportunities and personal protection (avoidance, reduction of exposed skin, wearing light-colored clothing and use of insect repellents containing DEET) are the primary most effective means of discouraging personal contact with nuisance mosquitoes.

When fighting off mosquitoes, always remember the 4Ds:

  • DEET All Day, Every Day: Whenever you’re outside, use insect repellents that contain DEET or other EPA approved repellents and follow instructions.
  • DRESS: Wear long, loose, and light-colored clothing outside.
  • DRAIN: Remove all standing water in and around your home.
  • DUSK TO DAWN: Limit outdoor activities during dusk and dawn hours when mosquitoes are most active.

What the Town is Doing?

Starting in May, the Town deploys two mosquito traps, one on the east side of town and one on the west. These are collected weekly and sent to Dallas County Health and Human Services labs for testing. The traps are designed only to capture the types of mosquitoes that carry the West Nile Virus. When we get a positive test result, we will respond by spraying the area the following two mornings.  Mosquito spraying will be almost exclusively restricted to the detection of the West Nile Virus in the Addison area.

We coordinate with Dallas County Health and Human Services on Zika prevention efforts. The Zika Virus has been recorded in Dallas County, but there has been no evidence that the Virus was spread through the mosquito population here. The Zika transmitting mosquito is a different species than the West Nile carriers. This requires different traps and a different chemical spray. The Town has the traps and access to the chemical should they be needed. Addison and the other cities in the area are following Dallas County Health and Human Services' direction. If they direct us to begin trapping, we are ready to do so.

For More Information

For more information on mosquito-borne illnesses, please visit the Dallas County Health and Human Services website.