Common Residential Code Violations

High Grass & Weeds

All residential properties must keep grass and weed growth to less than six inches tall.

Accessory Structures

All accessory structures, including detached garages, fences, or walls, must be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.

Junked Vehicles

The keeping or storage of dismantled or inoperative vehicles on residential property in view from a public street for more than 24 continuous hours is not allowed.

Signs in Yards

All properties may display one detached, non-illustrated sign to advertise a garage sale on the premises or refer to the sale or lease of the premises. Such signs cannot exceed three square feet.

Protective Treatment

All exterior surfaces, including but limited to, doors, door and window frames, cornices,porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, must be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, must be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking, or chipping paint is not permitted and must be repaired.

Tree, Shrubs and Plants

Trees, shrubs, or plants cannot block access to or from any door, window which is used or required by Town codes to be used for ingress or egress. Trees, shrubs or plants cannot create a hazard or an obstruction and must be maintained; any that are dead or hazardous must be removed.

Irrigation System Regulations

All irrigation systems are required to have an operational sensor or other technology designed to turn off sprinkler systems during periods of freezing weather or rainfall. Additionally, systems adjacent to any street, sidewalk or alley cannot operate in a way that causes damage to other property or interferes with the free movement of vehicles or pedestrians.

Outside Storage

A home owner or occupant of any premises on which evidence of a rat infestation is found, or any lots or alleys adjacent to such property may not allow accumulation of, but not limited to, any of the following: any waste matter which is offensive to the public health, safety or to the esthetics of the neighborhood, brick, stones, old refrigerators and stoves, machinery or parts of, to remain on the lot or premises

Portable Storage Structures

Portable storage structures are allowed on residential properties for up to 72 hours. These structures may not be located on the same property more than one time per month and must be on a paved surface set back 10 feet from the property line.

Residential Waste Containers

Residential waste containers are to be located out of public view